Water sent to Marion,KY and Truckload of Supplies Going to Oakwood, VA

Marion , Kentucky’s water supply was contaminated when a levee failed at nearby Lake George, which was the city’s water supply. This forced the county to drain Lake George to repair the levee. They figured they had 22 days of water left at the end of June, but since the water is draining fast, and not much rain, it could go quicker. We sent a truckload of bottled water to this small community of about 6,000, and also provided disposable plates, cups, and utensils and cleansing wipes so these families wouldn’t need to use as much water. The county is still working on running new pipes for other nearby water sources, as they also get to work on repairing the levee.

Wednesday evening, July 13 Buchanan County, Virginia received a lot of rain. Some areas received 3+ inches in an hour, at one point last evening 40 people were unaccounted for, but all were found, and are safe. We had calls out to congregations in the area last evening, and we finally got work today to send a truckload of supplies. We will be working with the Deel Church of Christ, in Deel, Virginia, and but will unload the supplies at the Twin Valley Elementary/Middle School in Oakwood, VA tomorrow afternoon. The trailer full of supplies should leave our warehouse about 8:30am, to unload in Oakwood tomorrow afternoon.

Thank you for your prayers for this work, and for the families whose homes were flooded in Buchanan County, Virginia.


Second Truckload of Water to Marion, KY


Shipment of Supplies to Unload in Gaylord, Michigan