Shipment of Supplies to Unload in Gaylord, Michigan

Friday Evening, May 20, an EF-3 tornado touched down in the most northern part of Michigan. This is very rare in upper Michigan, so rare that there are no tornado sirens in Gaylord. The word was spread in the town of 4,300 that a tornado was approaching. Two area residents in their 70’s were killed when the trailer park in Gaylord was hit by 140mph winds, and over 40 were injured.

Dwane Casteel, our Associate Director for Michigan reached out to the preacher of the Gaylord Church of Christ, offering the supplies we provide so their church could help the community. Sunday morning the Gaylord church leaders decided they wanted us to send a truckload of supplies. The tractor/trailer pulled away from Nashville yesterday evening, and is scheduled to unload at the Gaylord church building in the morning, Tuesday, May 24th.

We pray that these supplies will bring a glimmer of hope to those families that have lost their homes, and may the Lord receive all the credit. We pray for the families in Gaylord affected by these storms, and pray that God can bring them peace.


Water sent to Marion,KY and Truckload of Supplies Going to Oakwood, VA


Shipment of Supplies Sent to New Mexico to Help Wildfire Victims