Shipment of Supplies to Brewton, AL

Early this morning a semi-trailer of supplies pulled away from our Nashville warehouse headed for the Brewton Church of Christ, in Brewton, AL to help those whose homes were hit by a tornado caused by Tropical Storm Claudette Saturday morning. The tornado caused a 22 mile path of destruction through Escambia County of southern Alabama, injuring 20 people, with 2 of those reported in serious condition. Tornadoes caused by a tropical storm can spring up very quickly, and give little, if any, warning to those in its path to take cover.

The supplies will be unloaded at the Brewton church building at 601 Douglas Ave this afternoon at 1pm.

We are also in communications with additional areas in the New Orleans, LA area regarding flooding also caused by the heavy rains from Tropical Storm Claudette. Plus this morning areas in Illinois are getting hit by Tornadoes, and the eye of Tropical storm Claudette over the North Carolina Coast this morning, causing flash flooding. We will report more here, if additional supplies are sent to other areas.

Please pray for those hit by the flooding and tornadoes. We also thank you for your prayers for this work, and your support.


Aid Sent to Middle Tennessee Flood areas


Two Shipments of Supplies to Lake Charles, LA