Aid Sent to Middle Tennessee Flood areas

Middle Tennessee, primarily Humphrey’s County, received heavy rains on Saturday, some had reported up to 17 inches of rain. 21 lives have been lost, including 2 twin infants, and 2 other children swept away from their homes. The water came up so fact Saturday morning that people did not have enough time to be warned and to evacuate. Dozens are still missing.

The first trailer of supplies left our warehouse this morning, Sunday Aug 22, about 10:45 headed for the Waverly Church of Christ in Waverly, TN, to be unloaded at their building this afternoon about 1pm.

Tomorrow morning, Monday Aug 23, a second shipment of supplies will be unloaded at the McEwen Church of Chirst in McEwen, TN. Also, that afternoon at 3pm, another shipment will be unloaded at the Walnut Street church in Dickson, TN.

We have also been in touch with congregations that we’ve worked with in the past in New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachursetts, and Long Island if the storm surge causes enough damage that they might heed help

NORTH CAROLINA FLOOD UPDATE: We are working to find a location where supplies can be unloaded and distributed in Canton, NC. Approximately 500 homes have been flooded. As soon as we know more the first part of the week about where we will send supplies in that area, we will post it here.

CALIFORNIA, DIXIE FIRE UPDATE : The Dixie Fire has burning 721,298 acres since it started July 14th, and is 37% contained. Too many roads have been closed for us to get supplies to the areas needed, but we are ready to send a shipment as soon as we get the word we can get in.

We pray for all of those devastated by the flooding, and and fires in our country.

Also if you are wanting to help after the earthquake in Haiti, you need to contact Healing Hands International. They work with disasters outside of the US, along with supporting missionaries in other countries, and many other needs. Their website is

Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort works where major disasters take place in the US, and US Territories. Healing Hands International helps with disasters and many other things to support missionaries and the church in other countries.

Thank you for your support and prayers for this work. All glory to God!


Two Shipments In Route to New Orleans Area after Hurricane Ida!


Shipment of Supplies to Brewton, AL