Aid Sent to Louisiana

Hurricane Laura came inland late Wednesday, and Thursday afternoon, the first requests for help from CCDRE started coming in. The first shipment of the basic supplies families need, was from the Boulevard Church of Christ in Lake Charles, LA.

The second shipment of supplies was requested to be delivered at the Maplewood church in Sulphur,LA.

Both of tgese shipments are being unloaded at these two church buildings this morning.

Truck #3 will leave our Nashville warehouse tomorrow afternoon, and they are wanting to unload Monday, about noon at the church in De Ridder, LA

With the Covid restraints in Nashville, we are not allowed to have our normal group of volunteers (normally around 230 per packing day), so we have been utilizing smaller groups, of up to ten, from one congregation at a time, to call and schedule a work day at our warehouse. Most are working 4 -5 hours. These smaller groups can pack 3 to 4 pallets per work session. When groups are not there our warehouse employees are packing the food boxes. The net result is that it is taking about a week to pack food boxes for 1 to 2 shipments, where under normal times, the volunteers pack 5 shipments in under 2 hours!

So, if you are within driving distance of our Nasville warehouse, and can get a small group of people together, Monday through Friday, from 8:30am to 3:30pm, that can be on your feet for 4 to 6 hours, walking back and forth and put food supplies in our family food box that is on rollers 4 feet off the floor, we can use your help. Give us a call! Have different days you might becable to come, because some days will already be scheduled.(This is not an activity for anyone under 16.)

Thank you for your help, your support, and your prayers.


More Trailers of Supplies to Louisiana


Supplies Sent to Help Wildfire Survivors