Supplies Sent to Help Wildfire Survivors

Just hours before Hurricane Laura hit the gulf coast Wednesday evening, 8/26, , we received a request for a trailer of supplies by the Santa Cruz Church of Christ in California to help those families affected by the Warnella Fire, which has burned 83,133 acres and is 27% contained as of late Friday 8/28/20. The truck left our warehouse Thursday for Santa Cruz.

Helping wildfire areas is very challenging, because they're often wide spread, and even though they may have burned a lot of acres, the homes damaged are not in one concentrated area. When the home owners were evacuated, where did they go? Are they still nearby, or have they gone to stay with other family members or friends miles away? If they left the area, you can't help those that you don't know where they've gone, plus the fire needs to be contained so it's safe for them to return.

For the church, is the fire moving away from the building, or is the wind shifting? A lot of the fires this year were started by massive lightning strikes. The families can't be helped until you can locate them and they can safely get to the church building to get the supplies or the workers can get supplies to them.

We pray for all the families affected by these fires.


Aid Sent to Louisiana


Monitoring Hurricane Laura