We’re in Contact with Congregations in the path of Hurricane Helene, Ready to Help!

The National Weather Service has reported that Helene, which began as a tropical storm Tuesday, has developed into a Hurricane as it entered into the Gulf of Mexico. It was about 500 miles south-southwest of Florida just before noon, it was declared to be a Category 1 Hurricane with 80 mph winds. There is still the unknown factor of how strong Helene will get, but it is forecast to be a large major hurricane when it reachesthe Big Bend coast of Florida.

Our Associate Director over Florida, Ken Lowry, has been in contact with congregations that are in the potential predicted path of Helene, and it comes inland tomorrow. Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort is standing by, with truckloads of supplies ready to send, once the storm has passed through and we can safely get into the areas affected, and when the survivors can safely get to the locations where the distribution centers will be set up.

We pray for all of those in the path of this storm, and for all those that will be helping in this emergency situation.


First Shipment of Supplies Requested after Hurricane Helene Comes Ashore


More Supplies to Louisiana