We are Checking Out Damage and Where Help is Needed most in Florida & Alabama

Our Associate Director for the Southeast, Ken Lowry, is down in Florida surveying the damage and making calls. Today is really the first day that communities are able to get out to view the amount of damage done. We have a trailer loaded with supplies, ready to leave our warehouse once we get the request, but so far those that have contacted us are calling to see what we’re doing there, rather than those needing our help. Those leaders that have called us are not in need of the full trailer load of supplies that we send. We send all of the basic needs for up to 200+ families,, and the items we send need to be stored inside, out of the elements, not in the parking lot. We will post updates here as requests start coming in.


First Truck Headed to Gulf Shores, Alabama


More Supplies to Louisiana and Oregon.