More Supplies to Louisiana and Oregon.

Monday morning a truckload of the basic needs people have, such as family food boxes, personal hygiene boxes, infant care boxes, cleaning supply buckets, new mops, brooms, rakes, shovels, were shared between the Maplewood church in Sulphur, LA, and the Enterprise Blvd church in Lake Charles, LA, so they can continue to help families in need.

We are monitoring Hurricane Sally to see where it comes inland, forecasted to bring up to 20” of rain to some areas, while it slowly moves further into the southeast.

This afternoon the third trailer of supplies for the Oregon wildfires left our warehouse, this shipment is going to the Lincoln City church, in Lincoln City, OR. It will be unloaded by the church Thursday afternoon or Friday morning.

Please keep all of the families affected by these fires, and hurricanes in your prayers!


We are Checking Out Damage and Where Help is Needed most in Florida & Alabama


Three Trailers of Supplies Headed to Wildfires in Oregon & Washington