Trailer of Supplies Unloading in Monroe, LA

As I type this message a trailer load of supplies is being unloaded at the Jackson Street church of Christ building in Monroe, LA.  We were in contact with the Monroe area Sunday, after the tornado struck Saturday. The Jackson Street church requested a truck, so they could unload it at 8am this morning.  We received word that over 200 families were seeking shelter from the damage done to their homes. Multiple neighborhoods were hit, along with an aircraft hangar at the Monroe Regional Airport.  Luckily only minor injuries occurred.

We have also reached out to the Chattanooga, TN  area, also hit by tornadoes. We know a number of structures were hit, but are waiting for an update on homes damaged.  We know many are without power.

Please keep these families in your prayers.


Helping Tornado Survivors in Areas Hit Easter Weekend 2020


Shipment of Supplies Delivered for Mississippi Tornado Suvivors