We continue to help families in Kentucky, Louisiana, Tennessee, & Texas. HEALING HANDS is Helping UKRAINE

We have been monitoring the weather and news during the first 3 months of 2022 watching for new major US disasters. Tornadoes stuck in Iowa March 5th, 7 were killed. A total of 13 tornadoes were reported, three in eastern Iowa, and 10 in central Iowa. Our Associate Director for Iowa, Dennis McClintock, was in touch with congregations and Emergency management officials throughout the area. No reports of mass destruction destroying 100’s of homes was reported, and we received no requests to send supplies to Iowa.

We continue helping those affected by the tornadoes that leveled many areas in Kentucky and Tennessee, plus many families in Louisiana and Texas that were affected by last Fall’s hurricane’s. As re-building is completed and families are getting back into their homes, we are providing all new mattress sets, appliances, furniture, and hot water heaters to help under-insured, low-income families get back on their feet.

We are getting many calls about us helping in Ukraine. We work where major disasters have taken place in the US and US Territories, but Healing Hands International, about a half mile from our location in Nashville, does help out in other countries. They are getting supplies to Ukraine.

Here is a link to Healing Hands International’s website HEALING HANDS INTERNATIONAL
You can contact them at 615-832-2000 if you would like to help their efforts to help Ukraine.


Trailer of Supplies Headed to Eastland County, Texas Wildfires


Supplies going to Colorado and Eastern Kentucky