Truckload of Supplies Headed to Livingston, Texas for Flood Victims

We have been in touch with congregations in Texas since the flooding began last week. With continued storms through last weekend and this week, rivers are over flood stage, which is filling up the lakes. The Corps of Engineers is having to open up the flood gates on the lake dam’s to drain off the additional water, which causes more flooding down stream. Their is an immense amount of water that needs to dissipate before roads can open for people to get back to their homes, and for people to even be able to get to locations where we have sent supplies. The amount of water above flood stage is immense throughout southeast Texas.

This morning a 53’ trailer full of supplies left our warehouse, headed to the Livingston Church of Christ in Livingston, Texas. If all goes as planned, the members of the Livingston church should be unloading the trailer at their building tomorrow morning at 9am.

We are away of many areas that flooded, and are still trying to get in touch with some areas. We are trying to call the churches, but nobody is at their buildings due to the high water, and we don’t have direct phone numbers for the church leadership, so we are still trying to contact some congregations.

As we get more requests, we will post it here. We are also aware of the tornadoes that have struck the last few days, and we are following up on them too.

Please pray for the families in the line of the flood waters, and the tornadoes.


Supplies Sent to Columbia, Tennessee, and to Liberty, Texas


Supplies Sent to Nebraska, and Oklahoma