Two Shipments of Supplies to Biloxi, and One to New Orleans for Hurricane Zeta Survivors.

On Monday November 2nd the first 53’ trailer full of supplies was unloaded at the New Heights church of Christ in Biloxi, MS, and the church went to work helping their neighbors in need om Tuesday the 3rd. At one point the line of vehicles of those coming to pick up supplies for their families was a mile long! By Tuesday afternoon, they were already running out of supplies, so they requested a second shipment. It was loaded in Nashville that afternoon, one of our volunteer drivers left Nashville at 3:30pm, and the 2nd tlshipmentbif supplies was unloaded at the New Heights church building Wednesday morning.

The latter part of last week the water had receded enough in New Orleans for people to be able to get back to their homes, and so people could get out to get supplies, and for local churches to help them, so this afternoon another shipment of supplies left Nashville, headed to a storage facility in Pearl City, Louisiana, to be distributed by several churches in the area helping those in New Orleans, including the Louisa Street Church of Christ.

We are watching and waiting to see what where Hurricane Eta does thevthe Florida Keys, and where it goes from there. Southern Florida is expecting a lot of rain. We will be in contact with congregations along the path it takes, ready to help.

Please keep those in the paths of these storms in your prayers, snd those that are helping others in need.


Supplies Sent to Alabama Tornado Survivors


4th Shipment of Supplies to Gulf Shores, AL Church